Street Fighter IV
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Street Fighter IV - PS3

\"Tauchen Sie ein in die Action und treten Sie in die Fußstapfen der legendären Kämpfer mit Street Fighter IV für die PS3 Playstation 3. Erleben Sie packende Kämpfe in atemberaubender Grafik und wählen Sie aus einer Vielzahl von Charakteren, um Ihren eigenen einzigartigen Kampfstil zu entwickeln. Nutzen Sie die intuitiven Steuerungen und meistern Sie komplexe Kombinationen, Special Moves und Ultra Combos, um Ihre Gegner zu besiegen. Treten Sie online gegen Spieler aus aller Welt an und beweisen Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten in spannenden Mehrspielerkämpfen. Street Fighter IV bringt das klassische Kampfspielgenre auf ein neues Level und bietet stundenlange Unterhaltung für alle Fans von packenden Duellen.\"

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Producer Yoshinori Ono has stated that he wanted to keep the game closer to Street Fighter II. A new system called Focus Attacks (Saving Attack for the Japanese version) has been introduced, as well as Ultra Moves. The traditional six-button control scheme has returned, with new features and Special Moves integrated into the input system, mixing classic gameplay with additional innovations.

Stephen Kleckner of has stated the game has a similar feel to Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but also has a few features from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. As in Street Fighter III, throwing is performed by pressing both light attack buttons, while pressing both heavy attack buttons performs the character's personal action or taunt. Pressing both medium attack buttons performs a character's Focus Attack. Dashes and quick standing are also in the game. C. Viper and Dan (with the air taunt) are the only characters who can perform a high jump.

It was intended that bonus rounds such as the car-smashing stage from earlier Street Fighter games would return. Ono later stated that the bonus stages would not be in the arcade game, citing the reason to be that the time players spend on bonus stages is time during which they have no chance of losing, which ultimately takes money from arcade operators.

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Playstation 3
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