Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition
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Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition - Sega Mega Drive

Erlebe den ultimativen Kampf der Kämpfe mit Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition für das Mega Drive! Tauche ein in eine packende Welt voller actiongeladener Kämpfe und epischer Moves. Wähle aus einer Vielzahl von charismatischen Kämpfern und trete gegen deine Freunde oder den Computer an. Mit atemberaubender Grafik und flüssiger Spielmechanik wirst du in diesem klassischen Beat\'em Up Spiel in den Bann gezogen. Beherrsche die verschiedenen Kampfstile und besiege deine Gegner auf deinem Weg zur Kampflegende. Zeige deine Fähigkeiten und werde zum Champion in Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition für das Mega Drive!

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Single-player mode: The matches in the single-player mode was increased from 11 opponents to 12 due to the addition of the mirror matches. This also changed the order in which the third bonus stage occurred (the drum-breaking minigame): in the original game it took place after the match with Vega; wherein Champion Edition, it takes place after defeating Balrog. The endings of some of the returning characters were redrawn (particularly Ryu's, Ken's, and Zangief's), while each of the four bosses received an ending as well. The ending for the boss characters consist of an image of all four Grand Masters (with the character used by the player on top), with scrolling text overlaid on it specific to the player character with a large army of demonic looking soldiers marching to the ending music below.

Like in World Warrior, the game only shows end credits sequence if the player complete the single-player tournament without losing a match. Whereas the music played in the World Warrior version of the credits was the same music used for the Continue screen,Champion Edition plays an entirely new track instead. The special credits sequence where the player completes the game without losing a single round was also changed, which now depicts the twelve playable fighters performing their special moves on oil drums and crates.

Data sheet
Mega Drive
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