Neo Discovery buy Pokemon cards loose collect 2HG

Neo Discovery

Pokémon Neo Discovery is a series of trading cards released by The Pokémon Company in 2000. The series focuses on the mysterious Unown Pokémon and the new Steel-type Pokémon that were introduced in the second generation of the Pokémon video games. This set features 99 cards, including several rare and powerful cards such as the Shining Charizard and Shining Steelix. The set also features several cards based on the Johto region, such as the Ecruteak City Gym and the Ruins of Alph. The set also features cards from the Johto region Pokémon, such as the legendary Ho-Oh and Lugia. The set also introduces the Dark, Steel, and Light types to the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This set is a great way to get acquainted with the Pokémon of the Johto region and to add some powerful cards to your collection.